The governing body of the District is its Board of Supervisors, which is comprised of five Supervisors. These individuals act in much the same way as a City or County Commissioner, in that they are public servants for the citizens in the community they serve. Supervisors for the Xentury City CDD are governed by the same laws as other governmental officials, including the Sunshine Law and Public Records Law.

This District is comprised of Supervisors who are elected through a landowners election, meaning anyone who owns property within the District may attend the landowners election, provide proof of property ownership, nominate candidates and cast votes for those candidates. Landowners are allowed one (1) vote per acre of property, or if less than an acre of platted land, then to one (1) vote for that parcel. At such landowners election, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will serve four-year terms, and the third candidate will serve a two-year term.

When the District is at least six (6) years old and has 250 registered voters, then the process by which Supervisors are elected will transition to a general election format, where candidates will qualify with the Supervisor of Elections in Osceola County and have their names placed on the general ballot. The District was established in July 1998 and as of April 15, 2017, has zero (0) registered voters.

Board Members

Owen M. Beitsch, Chairman

  • Elected November 8, 2016
  • Term expires November 2024
  • Seat 2

Vacant – Seat 4

  • Seat 4
    • Vacant

Vacant – Seat 3

  • Seat 3
    • Vacant

Steven Ivins, Vice Chairman

  • Appointed March 8, 2022
  • Term expires November 2026
  • Seat 1

Vacant – Seat 5

  • Seat 5
    • Vacant


The Board may hire such employees and agents as it deems necessary. The District Manager is the chief administrative official of the District and has the charge and supervision of the works of the District. The District Manager is responsible for preserving and maintaining any improvement or facility constructed or erected pursuant to the provisions of the Act, for maintaining and operating the equipment owned by the District, and for performing such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board. Inframark Infrastructure Management Services serves as District Manager.

The Board has also employed the services of Clark & Albaugh as District Counsel. All professionals work at the direction of the Board of Supervisors.