What is a CDD?
A Community Development District (“CDD” or “District”) is a local unit of special-purpose government created primarily for the purpose of providing infrastructure for new communities and limited to the performance of those specialized functions authorized by Chapter 190, Florida Statutes (the “Act”). The Act was enacted in 1980 to provide a uniform method for the establishment of Community Development Districts to manage and finance basic community development services, including capital infrastructure required for community developments throughout the State of Florida. The Act provides legal authority for CDDs, such as Xentury City, to finance the acquisition, construction, operations and maintenance of the major infrastructure for community development pursuant to its general law charter (Sections 190.006 through 190.041, Florida Statutes).
Among other provisions, the Act gives the District’s Board of Supervisors the authority to (a) plan, establish, acquire, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate and maintain: (i) water management and control for lands within the District and to connect any of such facilities with roads and bridges and (ii) water supply, sewer and wastewater management systems or any combination thereof and to construct and operate connecting intercept or outlet sewers and sewer mains and pipes and water mains, conduits, or pipelines in, along, and under any street, alley, highway, or other public place or ways, and to dispose of any effluent, residue, or other byproducts of such system or sewer system; (b) borrow money and issue bonds of the District; (c) impose and enforce special assessments liens as provided in the Act; and (d) exercise all other powers necessary, convenient, incidental or proper in connection with any of the powers or duties of the District stated in the Act.
The Act does not empower the District to adopt and enforce any land use plans or zoning ordinances and the Act does not empower the District to grant building permits; these functions are to be performed by general-purpose local governments having jurisdiction over the lands within the District.
Xentury City CDD
This CDD is located entirely within unincorporated Osceola County, covering approximately 354 ± acres north of U.S. Hwy 192, east of Bonnet Creek, south of the Orange County-Osceola County line, west of S.R. 417/GreeneWay to Osceola Parkway, and south of Osceola Parkway excluding the rights-of-way of S.R. 417/GreeneWay and Osceola Parkway dedicated to Florida Department of Transportation and Osceola County.